About Age Concern Chelmsford
In a nutshell, Age Concern Chelmsford provides support services to older people in Chelmsford, Essex, helping you to keep active and connected to others.
A range of support & social activities for the people of Chelmsford...
Lunch Club, Activities & Outings
Social isolation is a big issue particularly for elderly or disabled people. Many of our guests live alone and may not see family and friends as often as they would like. Loneliness can have serious effects on a person’s health.
Age Concern Chelmsford exists to support people within the local community, connecting them to each other over some healthy, nutritious food or through other social events. This can be the key to staying active, continuing to enjoy life and living independently.
Working from our own premises since the 1960’s, we provide a delicious home-cooked two course hot meal (main and dessert) Monday to Friday every week.
We also hold other activities in the fully-accessible Centre during the week, such as seated Yoga, and arrange members’ outings throughout the year. Previous events and outings have included:
Volunteer With Us
Volunteers are the life blood of our organisation. We welcome enquiries about being a volunteer.
Many of our volunteers have been with us for several years and we have many ways you can assist us – from working in the kitchen, to helping serve food or simply mixing and engaging with our guests.
We encourage volunteers to join us and also to support the work of Chelmsford Community Voluntary Service (CVS).
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